Welcome to my TESOL Portfolio and Blog

Thank you for visiting my TESOL E-Portfolio, where I have displayed many of the projects, assignments, blog posts and essays I completed while I was a student in the Graduate Certificate in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program at the Pennsylvania State University. I hope that by reviewing this work, readers will gain a sense of my teaching philosophy and beliefs, the theoretical frameworks in which I work, and the ideas and research that inform my teaching practice. I have applied these principles at the educational institutions where I have worked and for which I have provided expert advice and curriculum development. To learn more about my work as an author, you can visit my Amazon or Goodreads author page. To learn about my work as a professional translator, please visit my profile and translation portfolio at proz.com.
During my four semesters of study in the Penn State Graduate Certificate in TESOL program, I developed the following core competencies, which form the curricular goals of the program:
- The ability to analyze various domains of language (e.g., phonological, lexical, grammatical, and pragmatic) in relation to adult learner language development and apply these understandings to adult English language teaching.
- The ability to design, adapt, and evaluate curricula, technology, media, and other resources that meet the specific instructional and language-related needs and abilities of adult English language learners.
- The ability to develop an understanding of the multilingual/multicultural contexts within which adult English language learners live and work and the role of learning and using English in an increasingly globalized world.
- The ability to demonstrate effective instructional strategies for one-on-one tutoring, classroom teaching, and learner assessment.
- The ability to create a professional TESOL e-portfolio as a final capstone project.
This e-portolio has been designed to demonstrate how I have achieved these curricular goals.
For more information about Richard McDorman, visit the following sites.